Wednesday, October 29, 2014

APA Format: References

Open Microsoft word Document 2007:

Step 1: Open the "Reference" tab on the top of the document and select APA from the "Style" list

Step 2: After you selected the APA style click on "Manage sources" its on the top of the Style list

Step 3: Now a tab will open and click on "New" to add details for sources and another small tab will appear and just select the type of source you are using. 

Step 4: Click on "show All bibliography fields" for extra details such as volume and edition.

Step 5: When you are ready to create your bibliography copy the sources you want to the current list

Step 6: To see your final bibliography click on the"bibliography"link on the bottom of the style list link

Step 7: To go back and add anything click on " update citations and bibliography"

1 comment:

  1. APA format is a widely recognized standard for many forms of writing.

    APA Editor
